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Wendy's Badgerland Southern "The Blissful Railroad"
Wendy joined the Milwaukee-N-Southeastern in 2007. Wendy's railroad is the Badgerland Southern or the BLSRR. Usually called the "Blissful Railroad". Wendy's layout is full of great scenes and lots of fun. Enjoy these photos of the Blissful Railroad. Photos are by Joe Baumgarten.
In 2017 Wendy had the pleasure to host the winners of the KATO N trak modular contest. This group of girls were the winners. They were flown to Milwaukee and spent some time in the area before attending Trainfest to show off the winning module. Also pictured is Jumpei from KATO USA and Hiroshi Kato from Japan.
Here are more photos of the Badgerland Southern Layout. Enjoy !!
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